Sunday, February 7, 2010

My chihuahua's nail looks like its dry white like it is going to fall off.?

My chihuahua's nail looks like its dry white like it is going to fall off. Does anyone know what this might be? The groomers said it looked fine but, I don't think it is. Has this happened to anyone before. It looks like its growing more than the other nails.My chihuahua's nail looks like its dry white like it is going to fall off.?
if the groomer said it's fine i would trust her.

if the nail gets 'chipped' while cutting the nails there will be a dead peice of nail hanging off.

if you are still worried i would take the dog to the vet...My chihuahua's nail looks like its dry white like it is going to fall off.?
If it's growing its not dead.

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