Sunday, February 7, 2010

How can i make my nails look better? there scrached from the nail file and just dry and gross looking?

I will not polish them, thats just not me and looks horidHow can i make my nails look better? there scrached from the nail file and just dry and gross looking?
I agree with the above tips, but don't file your nails with anything metal. Buy one of those battery operated manicure things, much gentler on the nails. Also, try a thin coat of Sally Hansen diamond strength everyday.

There is supposed to be a product by Mavala that bonds the layers of nail together, but I haven't been able to track it down.How can i make my nails look better? there scrached from the nail file and just dry and gross looking?
wear gloves
eat jelly! I SWEAR it is like a miracle nail curer! or if you don't like jelly, take gelotine capsules. (I'm talking about the jelly that is a dessert- the wobbly kind). It is amazing how strong it makes your nails. and it makes them grow quicker.
Buff! Buff and more buff! Purchase a good quality nail buffer and follow directions. It should have a fairly coarse side to smooth ridges and rough spots, a medium side to polish nails before the final buffing, and a very smooth side to buff a perfect shine.

Cuticle oil massaged into nails and cuticles will help with dryness, or easier still, just use hand lotion and massage it around nails.

Also, make sure you are including enough protein in your diet.
Short term, use clear nail polish; this will strengthen them and improve their appearance. Longer term, try to eat things that improve nail condition as the nail grows such as Jell-o...(OK, scratch the part about beef...but do eat Jell-O).

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